Parlour Pixels. It’s not website design...It’s an Attitude!

Parlour Pixels. It's not website design... It's an Attitude!

Unlike many others we only run on a 6 months contract, so in the unlikely event that after six months period you are not happy with the service, then you are free to move to wherever you like for your requirements.

We already provide this service for a number of very high profile clients this industry. Again, we do not wish for you to be put off by this.
Whatever business is discussed between us and our clients stays that way.
In the same manner, anything that is discussed between you and us will stay between you and us. You are assured of both loyalty and confidentiality !

If you have any questions or would like any further information then
please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please email us at:


 Paintbrush Image

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© Parlour Pixels.